letters used = a b c d e f g i l m n ng (counts as one) o q r s t u in romanisation
vowels = a, a: (like aw), e, e: (like ei), i, i: (like ee), o, o: (like oh), u, u: (like oo, unrounded in albo-gricitkis), w, j
r sound is trilled (pronounced like french r in galo-gricitkis)
c is always pronounced like k
q is identical in modern gricitkis
rest are similar to english
ng exists
n before k = ng, n before p or b = m, m before k = ng, m before t or d = n
b after a voiceless consonant is "p"
a a etc between words just pronounced like a: (aha = archaic dialectical)
a e etc between words pronounced like ahe
dipthongs (not universal):
ia = ya, ie = ye, etc
oa/ua = wa, oe/ue = we, etc
ai, ei, etc
au/ao = ow, etc
oi overrides "wi" to sound like oi, same with ou
ou = oh
palatalisation is ierno and albo, but consonants before an i that follows a vowel always are, eg si = soft "sh", ti = soft "ch"
plosive before another plosive is silent, so fenta ac dau is pronounced like "fentadau/fentahadau(archaic)"
standard received, ierno-gricitkis (north/south), albo-gricitkis (mainland/hebrides/shetland), breta-gricitkis (cambric/dumnonic), galo-gricitkis, raito-gricitkis, ibero-gricitkis (biscayan/galician) (continuum with gallo)
formal, ireland, scotland, rest of britain, france, alps and iberia respectively
loanwords more heavy depending on region
i = io
you = ni
he = ce
she = ci
someone = cu
it = ce/ci
we = in
you all = nif
they(m/mixed) = ced
they(f) = cid
some people = cud
this = ce cau
that = ce can
yon = ce caor
here = cau
there = can
yonder = caor
who = cuda
to/for who = cudaf
what = cua
where = cuit
when = cuam
when past = cuai
when future = cuaf
how = cida
why = caua/ocua (dialectical, gallo/ibero/raito)
not = nes
all = cloda
many = fele
some = benac
few = biunin
other = cula
one = eic
two = dau
three = tri
four = cefar
five = conc
big = crega
small = biu (-n in compound words)
long = lena
wide = gota (size) lega (distance)
fat = gota
thick = guba
heavy = trofa
short = bina
narrow = cita (size) aita (distance)
thin = cita
woman = macom (irreg pl manom)
woman (inf) = ema (pl eman)/cal (dialectical)
man = uer (irred pl uir)
man (inf) = oma (irreg pl omir)/gisur (dialectical)
person = sen (uer is sometimes used)
child = mosta/ugan
husband = costo
wife = costa
mother = matar
mother (inf) = ama
father = atar
father (inf) = ata
brother = draur
younger brother = inir
older brother = imeur
sister = saur
younger sister = inser
older sister = usmir
animal = culaban
fish = leua/cesc
bird = cetor
dog = rauf
cat = miu/cat
louse = mol
worm = nacad
snake = lengisor
tree = bouc/ren
wood = benouc/cod
forest = feibouc/foristos (pl. foristid)
stick = lenad
fruit = bacot (irreg pl. bactid)
seed = sema
leaf = foulon
bark = rusc
flower = bista
grass = grisi
rope = loud
skin = cuelte
meat = clig
blood = senor
bone = osur
fat = glous
egg = ami
horn = bicira
tail = iecol
feather = cefuton (pl. cefut)
hair = cienuft
fur = nuft
body = corp
head = boarin/cien
ear = mesic
eye = fualor
nose = osci
mouth = isor (body) gel (inlet)
tooth = cimbor
tongue = gastor/ienga
finger/toe = cubin
fingernail = cuboar
leg = ios
foot = ios/iosboar
knee = minios
arm = cienolt
hand = cienolt/olboar
limb = olt
elbow = minolt/micienolt
joint = minolt
wing = cetolt
belly = beuc
guts = silin
neck = erui
back = grom
breast = galain (female) cecut (male)
heart = coson
liver = iu
drinking = ifig
eating = isig
biting = cimbig
sucking = sucag
spitting = spuinig
vomiting = spuag
breathing = ramag
laughing = iauag
cheering, exclaiming positively = iaiag
seeing = fualag
hearing = misig
knowing (something) = uisug biag fu
knowing (someone) = conag
thinking = amrag
smelling (something) = oscag
fearing = olon biag fu
sleeping = cutiag
living = bibig
dying = morag
killing = martag
fighting = brucag
hunting = ciulag
hitting = bitig
cutting = tourag
splitting = oltag
stabbing/sticking = torbitig
scratching = rafag
digging = laiag
swimming = natag
flying = cetag
walking = teltag
coming = tacag
going = adig
lying = forag
sitting = solag
standing = etanag
turning = suetig
falling = ciag
giving = datag
hold (one hand/weakly if not involving hands) = donag oru
hold (two hands/strongly if not holding hands) = roag oru
squeeze = uasag
rubbing = fotag
washing = niag
wiping = biuag
pulling = tianag
pushing = bousag
throwing = iatag
tying = edag
sewing = noueig
counting = rimig
saying = gelag
singing = cantag
playing = iucag/imrig
game/videogame/sport = iuc
floating = loutag
flowing = seurig
freezing = relig
swelling = batag
sun = giac
moon = tilun
star = oitra
water = our
rain = laut
lake = laca
sea = more
salt = citir
pepper = bebor
stone = coug
sand = fiufoug
dust = fiuf
earth (soil) = rut
cloud = ieuel
fog = gum
sky = ief
wind = uaf
snow = gema
ice = igor
smoke = rog
fire = ur
ash = elaut
burning = rumag
road = dom
mountain = bi
red = fol
green = gris/uena (uncommon)
yellow = gin
white = uin
black = sou
night = nia
day = dia
year = ianu
warm = coua
hot = cotsa
cool = utsa
cold = rotsa
full = cana
new = nou
old = ien
good = mai
bad = doc
rotten = lofa
dirty = sala
straight = inca
round = tima
sharp = biusa
dull = bila/canbuta
smooth = fuoua
wet = urcua
dry = sila
correct = cerca
near = oc
far = cenc/ceng
right = derces
left = eslei
at = enc/eng
in = enc/eng
to/for = o
from/out of = ro
with = fi (someone, comitative) ui (something, instrumentative)
without = fin/uan
and = ac
if = sim
if not = simau
because = ena
name = eno
spring = esrac
summer = samas
autumn = uengar
harvest = uenug
winter = gemac
god = giar
hello = dia mai ot (lit. good day to you)
hello (telephone) = ola ola
hi = aia
hey = ai (also intensive vocative particle)
how are you? = cida con ni?/cua con ni?/cida cos adi se?/cida cos adi ot?/adi ce? (informal and dialectial)
i'm fine = (im) maial biag mi/(is) mai adi se/(is) mai adi om e/adi ce (informal and dialectical)
please = simaiot
thanks = fele maid
you're welcome = ac fele ot/maitacugid ot (less common)
welcome (to) = maitacugid (enc)
excuse me = bemotceulam
monday = luni
tuesday = mari
wednesday = merci
thursday = iofi
friday = uenedi
saturday = sabadi
sunday = giarnic
january = enar
february = imolc
march = mart
april = acril
may = beltan
june = misamas
july = uintil
august = lunasa
september = miuenug
october = oesamon
november = samon
december = migema
halloween = dia oesamon
christmas = priud dia nouelic
easter = dia giarnac cascac
my = mo/ma
me = mi
mine = mio/mia
your = no/na
you acc = ni
yours = nio/nia
his = co
him = e
his poss = coe
her = ca
her acc = i
hers = cai
our = ir
us = im
ours = irm
all your = if
all you = nif
all yours = nif
their = cer/cir
them = ed/id
theirs = cerd/cird
unknown sing/"someone" = cu/cur/u/cur
unknown pl/"some people" = cud/cur/cud/curd (used much more often in ambig situations)
*someone refers to direct referral to an known person with unknown qualities related to name or gender, a separate word is used for general sense in english but this covers both uses of someone. this also covers "it" for any item not known to have a word for it
additional NUMBERS
cribs twenty counting system and long million from continent, plus hundredthousand number and tenthousand numbers from asiatic languages as inspo
six = seis
seven = sasb
eight = orc
nine = sudec
ten = deca
eleven = eideca
twelve = daudeca
thirteen = trideca
fourteen = cedueca
fifteen = condeca
sixteen = daurc/seideca (archaic dialectical)
seventeen = daurc eic/sasdeca (archaic dialectical)
eighteen = daurc dau/ordeca (archaic dialectical)
nineteen = daurc tri/sufent (archaic dialectical)
twenty = fenta
twenty one = fenta ac eic
twenty two = fenta ac dau
thirty = fendec
thirty one = fendec ac eic
fourty = daufenta
fifty = daufendec
sixty = trifenta
eighty = cefenta
hundred = cet
two hundred and thirty five = dau cet fendec ac conc
thousand = miu (1,000)
year 1999 = ianu miu sudec cet cefentadec ac sudec/ianu miu sudec sudec sudec (informal)
year 199 informal = ianu cet sudec sudec
year 2999 informal = ianu dau sudec sudec sudec
date 27/07/2023 = dia 27ud uintilic ianu 2023
ten thousand = miuc (10,0-00)
hundred thousand = liuc (10-0,0-00)
million = liuduc (1,00-0,0-00)
ten million = liuducet
hundred million = biuc
billion = miudarc
ten billion = biliuc
trillion = biuduc
quadrillion = biudarc
quintillion = triuduc
septillion = cefarduc
half = bemot
third = trimot
quarter = cefarot
fifth = cunot
sixth = seisot
seventh = sasbot
eighth = orcot
ninth = sudecot
tenth = decot
first = priud (also word for main)
second = damod (also secondary)
third = trimod (also tertiarty, etc.)
fourth = cefarod
fifth = cuncod
sixth = seisod
seventh = sasbod
eigth = orcod
ninth = sudecod
tenth = decod
blue = grisi/iem
purple = corcu
pink = cinc
navy = sougris/soiem
grey = lia
orange = narantac/sougin
cyan = asul
lime = uigris/gigris
brown = grici (doun for less saturated or darker browns)
rest tend to be loanwords, eg magenta = magenta, violet = fiola, indigo = indigo, chartreuse = cartusa
male and female singular and plural words, male words end in a consonant or "u" or "o", female in "a" or "e" or "i"
dimunitives = -ingo (m) -inga (f)
personal dimunitives = -oc (m with consonant) -co (m with vowel) -ca (f with vowel)
augmentatives = -ango (m) -anga (f)
personal augmentatives = -on (m with consonant) -no (m with vowel) -na (f with vowel)
nominative: no change (last letter of word is base for the rest) (sg) -id (pl)
genitive: -ic (m) -ac (f) -in (pl)
dative: -om (m) -am (f) -if (pl) (dative also works as locative, instrumentative and ablative in decreasing preference below dative, if must be ambiguated, only the higher changes to it while the rest have particles)
accusative: -i (m) -e (f) -di (pl)
vocative: -ai (sg) -dai (pl)
note: if last letters are a consonant that matches, such as in lenad, the stem begins a letter early, forming lenid
eg. [person], give sticks to the dog's brother = [sen]ai, datai draurom raufic a lendi (a lendi sen draurom raufon data is also valid in more poetic written forms, only rule is genitive must pair with noun and vocative comes first)
descriptive to be/copula:
i am (...) = im (...) mi/ (...) im mi/ (...) mi (inf)
you are (...) = in (...) ni/ (...) in ni/ (...) ni (inf)
he is (...) = ic (...) e/ (...) ic ce/ (...) e (inf)
she is (...) = ic (...) i/ (...) ic ci/ (...) i (inf)
someone is (...) = ic (...) u/ (...) ic cu/ (...) u (inf)
we are (...) = im (...) im/ (...) im mim/ (...) im (inf)
you all are (...) = in (...) if/ (...) in nif/ (...) if (inf)
they are (...) = id (...) ed/id/ (...) id ced/cid/ (...) ed/id (inf)
some people are (...) = id (...) ud/ (...) id cud/ (...) ud (inf)
negatives for each of the above:
nem (first person)
nen (second person)
nes (third person sing)
ned (third person plural)
bem (first person)
ben (second person)
bes (third person)
bed (third person plural)
com/nam (first person)
con/nan (second person)
cos/nas (third person)
cod/nad (third person plural)
eg: he said that i worked = ic com obras uim cadoras uim
he said that i didnt work = ic nam obras uim cadoras uim
verbs in standard common form are conjugated like this, eg i work = im obrag mi/obrag im mi/obrag mi
word order is more flexible in written form than spoken, follows SOV with copula verbs but VSO in absolute verb form, lang is pro drop so in practice the subject is not seen
non copula to be = biag (verbal noun/infinitive/v2) eg. i am being (...) = im (...) biag mi
not commonly used but always VSO, ie. bia ce obrag = he is working
bia ce
bia ci
past tense
rei ce
rei ci
future tense
bes ce
bes ci
befa ce/befa ci
i have (...) = im (...) fim / etc (lit. (...) is with me)
is also past tense
-ig/-ag is infinitive
-ug is verbal nouns (-eg female, uncommon and depending on dialect)
-a ce/-a ci
-a/i ced/ -a/i cid (archaic -acid/-icid)
PAST: im (...) (past habiutal third with no pronoun) uim, eg. im obras uim = i have worked
a/i +
-s ce/-s ci
FUTURE: beme + -ag/-ig, bere + -ag/-ig, etc (some irregular infinitives in this form) (NOT ALWAYS USED)
a/i +
-fa/fi ce/-fa/fi ci
with me = fim/uim
with you = fit/uit
with him = fe/ue
with her = fi/ui
with something/someone, infinitive of "to have" = fu/uiu
with us = fin/uin
with you all = fif/uif
with them = fid/fed/fud/uid/ued/uod
to me = om
to you = ot
to him = ore
to her = ori
to someone = oru
to us = orin
to you all = orif
to them = orid/ored/orud
in me = em
in you = ent
in him = ence/enge
in her = enci/engi
in someone = encu/engu
in us = encin/engin
in you all = encif/engif
in them = enced/enged/encid/engid/encud/engud
from me = rom
from you = rot
from him = rofe
from her = rofi
from someone = rofu
from us = rofin
from you all = roif
from them = rofed/rofid/rofud
between us = inin
between you two = inif
between them = ined/inid/inud
between me and you/you and me = imit/intim
between me and it/it and me = ime/imi/imu/intem/intim/intum
between you and it/it and you = inte/inti/intu/intet/intit/intut